The Hillcrest Summer Camp is filled with trips, activities and fun for children of all ages and interests.
Students may enroll for a day(s), a single week or as many weeks as they choose for the summer.

Full Day Programs 9am-3pm (Before and After available see below)

$60.00 per day

$275.00 per week

*Special “family rates” available please inquire (519-941-5591), or email us your questions. click here

**For campers who participate in full week programs; the cost of the trip is included.  If you wish to just come for the day of the trip then it is the cost for the day plus the cost of the trip (entry fees and travel costs) that must be paid.

Before and after care:

Hillcrest Private School offers extended care as well (7am-9am, and 3pm-6pm).

$25 per day (up to 2 child family, each additional child after 2 will be charged $10)


As there is a maximum of 40 spaces per week and each spot must be accounted for.  You are required to pay a deposit of $50.00 for each child and for each week you are attending.  This deposit will be deducted from your total cost for Hillcrest Summer Day Camp.  Your spot is not reserved until your deposit has been received.

Fill out your registration for Hillcrest Summer Day Camp HERE.