Hillcrest Summer Day Camp

The Hillcrest Summer Day Camp for this year is ready to be registered for!!

Click on the “Hillcrest Summer Day Camp ” tab on the upper right of this page to check out our weeks and themes!


Hillcrest’s Summer Day Camp program is open to all students (both public and private schools), ages 4 to 14!!

We are planning some great weeks for your children to have a fun and exciting Summer Day Camp experience!
Our hours are 9am to 3pm, 5 days a week (Monday to Friday, excluding civic holidays), before and after care is available (7am to 6pm).

Check out the Summer Day Camp pricing by clicking HERE.

Some of our previous themes have been amazing, however each year we strive to change and keep our choices and experiences fresh.  This year you can expect to see theme weeks like………..

Cooking Week      Cook-Book-icon                                       Rocketry  Week        Apps-preferences-system-performance-icon

                    Dinosaur Week                               Under the Sea Week   fish-iconImage result for scienceScience and Robotics Week

To view our Facebook Summer Day Camp page all summer and see some of the great things we have done in previous years just click on the Facebook tab.


To register for Hillcrest Summer Day Camp just click on the “Registration” button.